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Unlimited 34" Healing Sri Yantra Gongs



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This listing includes a mallet.

Note: These gongs are unique. Once each one has sold, we won't get another exactly like it. We will eventually get more Sri Yantra Gongs, so check back soon if it's sold out.

34" Sri Yantra Wind Gong (#SRR924)

We listened carefully to each of our large Wind gongs for depth of tone, complexity of overtones, and the overall feeling of playing the gong. We hand-picked the best gong we could find.

Next, we etched into the surface of the gong a powerful meditation symbol, the yantra of all yantras, the Sri Yantra. The combination of sound and vision can create great spiritual healings for you and those for whom you play this gong. We have a video of this gong above, and we invite you to use it to ask the Spirit for a healing.

But what is the Sri Yantra?

The Sri Yantra is composed of nine interlocking triangles that radiate outwards from the center. Four triangles point heavenward, representing Shiva, or the masculine, while the five that point earthward are for Shakti, or the feminine. This suggests that the Sri Yantra symbolizes the union of the divine masculine and the feminine.

The central point can represent the junction of the physical, manifested world with the spiritual realms and the Source, your Higher Self.

Item Specifications:
Diameter: 34" / 86 cm
Approximate Weight: 25 lbs

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